CETV Program
Cigar Explorer Television
Great Celebrities and Great Cigars
Walter “WB” Briggs is currently arranging his first season of shooting and is preparing timetables for this season of episodes. Preliminary scripts and timetables are in place for production and we at Cigar Explorer Television look forward to visiting cigar fans around the country and around the world.
If you are a celebrity with a true interest in cigars and cigar smoking then we would like to hear from you or your agent to see if we can arrange for you to be featured on our program. Novice and the connoisseur of fine cigars are all welcome.

If you have a cigar oriented location that has something special or unique, we would love to hear from you. We are always looking for cigar lounges and locations that would provide a backdrop for our cigar oriented program. Please contact us and give us some information about your location.

Cigars and Products

We are always looking for new products, accessories, cigar lines to examine on our program. We are lovers of all things that have to do with cigars and cigar related products. Please feel free to contact us and provide us details of your particular product.

Waler Briggs hosts another event.
Jim Kelly, Walter Briggs and Jim McMahon at a Super Bowl Party
Ricky Williams and Walter Briggs at a charity event
Charles Maddocks (the Poor Chef) and Walter Briggs
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